Current Series

Pastor Peter Mason - December 31, 2017

Blessed by Hearing and Doing

Revelation, Are You Ready

“Blessed by Hearing and Doing”   Revelation 1:1-8

I.  Revealed to us Jesus Christ and his future plans to us
 a.  Primary purpose is to unveil to us the majesty and power of Jesus Christ

“I don’t know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.”

 b.  To show what “must soon take place”
 c.  Revealed through his servant, John, to those he knows well (see 1:9).
 d.  Through vivid symbolism that he saw

II.  Rejoiceby reading and obeying this book
 a.  Profitable: “Blessed” means “happy, blissful, and joyous”
 b.  Productive: It is not simply to inform the mind or stimulate the imagination, but to change
    the way we live: “read . . . hear . . . and keep.”

III.  Reminds us to be prepared: “The time is near.”
 a.  Produce spiritual fruit
 b.  Purifyyour life (see 1 John 3:2-3)
 c.  Praise Him . . . “to him be glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen” (1:6b).

IV.  Rules over our present world who is . . .
 a.  Eternal God
 b.  Faithful witness
 c.  Firstborn from the dead
 d.  Ruler over all: “the ruler of the kings of the earth”

V.  Redeemed us
 a.  Who loves us
 b.  Freed us
 c.  Made us
 d.  Accessible to us

VI.  Reassures us going through trials
 a.  The return of the Savior—redemption
 b.  The reign of the King—ruler


By reading and understanding and obeying this book we will be happier and holier people.

From Series: "Revelation, Are You Ready"

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